Life change Centers are non-profit rehabilitation centers that were established with the great purpose of helping individuals find freedom from addictions and to begin a new life with Christ. We have man and woman centers located in Portland metro area.
In 2004, a group of Christians began reaching out to heavily afflicted souls living in the Portland metropolitan area. They soon realized one-on-one counseling was not going to be enough for the struggling addicts. Often those with addictions are homeless and live in complete despair. The Christian group began praying and fasting to the Almighty God, for Him to provide residence for those in need. They looked to God to provide a sanctuary and escape for people with dependencies. Their prayers were heard and answered. In 2005, a house was purchased on the outskirts of Portland. Soon after, the first student arrived and entered the rehabilitation program.
Since then, numerous souls have been set free from the chains of addiction. Broken families have been restored. Shattered relationships have been reconciled. The oppressed have finally been freed. All of this is due to the loving kindness and powerful work of our Savior, Jesus Christ. After six to twelve consecutive months of rehabilitation, those students who become true believers happily embrace the freedom they long searched for. They encourage others who struggle with addictions to come to the program. Therefore, the number of students going through the program continues to grow. The program in the rehabilitation center was not only designed to help people quit their physical habits, but completely change their lifestyles, the ways of living that brought them to these horrible addictions in the first place. Using firm discipline with high expectations for the students has resulted in great outcomes. Many of them are becoming some of society’s model members: pastors, volunteers, and missionaries. Most importantly, they are now sons and daughters of God.
Portland Life Change Centers have exited from the God Will Provide Association on Friday, December 15th 2017 together with Fountain of Life Church (previously known as GWP Church). We will remain to serve God in this great ministry under Fountain of Life Church and its ordained ministers. The exit from God Will Provide Association does not stop the great work being done here in the life change centers, we are continuing forward. Our vision remains the same; to bring students to the knowledge of Jesus Christ, the One who saves, and to support their growth in their personal walk with Jesus. We appreciate your continued support and prayers for this ministry.
“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36
Faith Based Drug and Alcohol Treatment Program
We know there's hope for you. Are you ready for a change?